We believe the things we teach, and we strive to embody them in our daily lives. We want to look like Jesus, so our passion is to close the gap between the life we live and the life we’re called to.
Ways to Connect
From childrens ministry, to small groups & bible studies, to worship & dance, we have a number of ways to plug into this community.
Come for a Visit
This is a place to encounter God and His love, and a safe place to bring your hurts and questions. We believe God will meet you here.
Our Story
We’ve seen many changes since our establishment in 1948 as a mission congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Our passion is to close the gap between the life we live and the life we’re called to. We believe God has called us to go into uncharted territories and bring to them the kingdom of God.

March Memory Work
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
Philippians 3:12 NIV (1984)
Prayer Walk
Please make plans now to join us for a prayer walk through our neighborhood next Saturday, April 5, from 8:30-9:30am. We'll gather at church around 8:20am and head out from there to bless our community!
Thank You
If you are one of our many, wonderful volunteers, you should have received an email invitation for our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Saturday, March 29, here at Resurrection Church. Please use the link in the email to RSVP so we can get a head count for food. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Invitation Cards
We have made some cards for you to have handy when you're talking with people and want to invite them to church. Grab some this Sunday, keep them with you, and look for opportunities to give them out!
Experience Holy Week
Our Neighborhood Outreach Ministry is preparing for this incredible evangelistic outreach. Please make plans now to bring kids, volunteer, or both! And please be praying for this event. If you have any questions please call the church office or contact Bobby Simon.
Easter Lillies
Help decorate our church for Easter! You can buy these beautiful lilies and designate them to honor special loved ones. Please place orders by Sunday, April 13. Actual cost per lily is $15 (or amount you feel comfortable donating). A complete list of all who have donated lilies (and in whose honor or memory) will be published, and you may take your lily home to enjoy after the Easter service, Sunday, April 20. Click here to order online.
Clothing Bin
We have purchased a clothing bin that is in the Foyer. Please put gently used clothing items in it, and we will take your donations to the Crisis Assistance Ministries Free Store to help serve the needs of the homeless in our community.
Prayer Opportunities
Throughout the week, we offer several different opportunities for you to join together in prayer. All prayer services are held in the Chapel.
Sundays, we pray for the service, Tuesdays, we pray for the Charlotte Crusade, Wednesdays, we pray for our pastors, church, and our nation, and on Thursdays, we pray for the lost and prodigals. Please join us!
Eyewitnesses to Easter
Eyewitnesses to Easter is a wonderful evangelistic outreach, and it's coming up soon. Please keep this event in your prayers and make plans now to invite all the children you know. We also need lots of candy, so we're encouraging everyone to bring donations of individually wrapped candy and place them in the basket marked "candy" in the Foyer.
Missions Update
This past Sunday we shared a video Emma Miller (currently serving in the Philippines) made from a recent medical missions trip they took to some remote villages in the Philippines. They were able to provide healthcare to over 400 people! Praise the Lord! Click here to view the video.