Thank you for submitting your information!

We really appreciate your help.

Have you taken the spiritual gifts assessment yet? Click here to do so. The office will receive an email when you finish the assessment. Please note that it may take several moments for the assessment to load and populate your results.

Did you know that if you’re a member of or regular attender at Resurrection Church, you have a profile in Church Community Builder (CCB), our church management software? Click here to check that out and register your email address. Click the button “request account” and fill in the information. If the email matches the one we have on file for you (maybe that primary email address you just provided?), an email will be sent and you can follow the steps to finish the registration process. Once logged in to the site, you may view your giving history, manage your serving and schedule requests, view the church calendar, and see the groups you’re a part of. If you’re a group or team leader and you haven’t sat down yet with the church office to learn more about how CCB can help you serve your group and/or team, reach out today!

Have you downloaded the church app? Text “reschurchclt app” to 833-245-4370. The app is a great way to keep up with events and announcements, give quickly and easily, check out past sermons, and receive notifications and alerts. You can also log into the app using the email and password associated with your CCB profile mentioned above and have yet another way to access your giving history. The best part? Managing your serving requests AND a church directory will soon be available on the app! Make sure you download the app now so that you’re ready when those big announcements are made!

Questions? Contact the church office (, 704-377-6575).