Ministry Assistant
Number of Hours:
Hours will vary but should average roughly 10 hours per week
Suggested Schedule:
To be determined
Job Description/ Summary:
This parttime role exists to assist the pastors in carrying out the work of the ministry by leading, overseeing, and developing specified areas of ministry, including our youth ministry and ministry intern programs, and by periodically teaching or preaching the Word.
Direct Report:
Lead Pastor
Oversee and lead youth ministries, to include:
Meet quarterly with Lead Pastor to develop quarterly youth calendar of special events and curriculum scope and sequence (2 hours per quarter)
Recommend annual budget for youth ministries (2 hour per year)
Plan and lead weekly Res Youth gatherings (4 hours per week)
Develop and maintain healthy, pastoral connection with church youth (1 hour per week)
Manage youth ministry expenses within approved budget
Develop, oversee, and lead ministry intern program
Develop outline and manual for intern program, detailing tasks, training, and criteria for participation (16 hours)
Recommend annual budget for Ministry Intern Program (2 hours per year)
Recruit interns from local college campuses (5 hours per semester)
Maintain connection with and oversee progress of interns in the program (2 hours every other week)
Manage Ministry Intern Program expenses within approved budget
Teach or preach as called upon by Lead Pastor
Share the Sunday morning message quarterly (10 hours quarterly)
Teach individual lessons in Confirmation, First Communion, and Leadership Training Programs as needed (3 hours per event)
Based upon experience. As a parttime position, there are no benefits.